Hey there!!!
We had a busy week this week. We started with back to back exchanges with both sets of Chinese sisters. They went very well. We had full 24 hour exchanges with the USC sisters, then from there had day exchanges with the Culver City sisters. I am looking forward to being their Sister Training Leader again this transfer.
Back in our area during the first of the exchanges, me and Sister Larsen were able to go to a lesson with a member from the ward. Unfortunately, the person we had scheduled an appointment was not home. Instead we were able to try a potential across the street and drive down a few blocks to try and contact a referral. We weren't able to meet the person who's info we had, but we did get to meet his daughter!! She is super cool and very prepared. We haven't been able to meet with her or the rest of the family because of out of town baseball tournaments, but we hopefully will this week! If the original appointment hadn't fallen through, we probably wouldn't have met this girl either. God sure works in mysterious ways!
One day this week we had a short amount of time before we needed to go somewhere else. There wasn't enough time to try the potentials we had up the street, but we did have time to knock on a few doors. One of them was a screen door, with the actual door propped open. We were talking with the voice from inside the home, when I saw a huge figure stand up. Then this very tall woman opened the door and invited us to come in for a minute. She is seeking healing physically and spiritually, so we showed her the #Hallelujah video from Easter. She loved it! We asked if we could get her contact information, and invited her to come to church. She needed a ride and our Relief Society president was willing to help us out. We were so excited that SHE ACTUALLY CAME!!! It turned out so great, and she loved church!!!! We are going to visit her again this week and start teaching her! It was definitely a miracle to find her.
Just a few houses down and across the street from this woman is an investigator who is unable to get baptized because of some family circumstances. She went to the Gladys Knight event, but she started remodeling her home shortly thereafter which made it difficult for us to be able to teach her. Finally she told us she was done with the remodeling and that we could come teach her. We decided to apply a training from Mission Leadership Council about turning investigators over to the Lord (the nice way of saying "drop") with her and give her some time. However, when we started visiting with her on Saturday evening, she agreed to meet more often and to begin again to do those things that she had been doing in the past. It was a neat lesson.
I am sincerely looking forward to this next transfer, partially because I GET TO STAY IN LAWNDALE!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I LOVE Lawndale. Anyways, I feel that it will be a really great transfer, and thankfully I will have two amazing sisters to be my companions. I have the opportunity to serve with Sister Abon again, and also Sister Risenmay!!! I am confident that I will be able to put it all out there and finish my mission the way the Savior would want me to. Plus it isn't going to be nearly as busy, so that should be good. It is great to be a missionary!!!
Sister Abon and I, as well as the other departing missionaries get to go to the temple this week. It is something that each group of departing missionaries gets to do the Friday before they leave. We are going this week because the temple will be closing on the 18th for maintenance and I heard asbestos removal. I am looking forward to that. They also usually have us go to the temple the last day before we fly out, so maybe we will go do service there? I guess we'll find out.
Love Ya!!
Sister Hatch :)
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